Mini oil refinery — MU «OPTIMA»-250

Mini oil refinery — MU «OPTIMA»-250

Mini oil refinery — MU «OPTIMA»-250 – modular unit with capacity of 250 000 tons per year is intended for hydrocarbon crude processing and straight-run gasoline, diesel and fuel oil production.

Units are developed customer specific, based on the characteristics of the feedstock and the requirements for end products.

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Units comply with the following requirements:

  • SNIP A.2.2-1-96 «Instruction on the development, coordination, and approval of project documentation for enterprises, buildings and structures construction»;
  • SNIP II-89-80 «General layouts for industrial enterprises»;
  • SNIP 2.11.03-93 Oil and petroleum products storages. Fire regulations;
  • VUPP-88 Departmental guidance on the design of fire fighting oil refineries and petrochemical industries;
  • RSTP 01-94 MVDRK Defining categories of premises and buildings Explosion and fire hazards;
  • № 1.01.001.-94 Sanitary design standards of production objects;
  • Attachment No. 2 did 23.09.98 to SanPin No.;
  • Temporary addition No. 3-01-375-00 did 31.07.2000 to «Sanitary design standards of production facilities» and Annex 1 «Classification of production facilities and facilities for the minimum size of the sanitary protection zone selection».

The yield and quality of the products are determined by the quality of the crude!!!

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The unit is delivered in blocks. Dimensions and weight of the units meet the requirements of rail, sea and road transportation, assembly can be performed by automobile cranes. Modular construction reduces the amount of installation works, ensures high speed and quality of the unit assembly. Unit is supplied in modular packages.

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